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Police State

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Stefan Molyneux was Master of Ceremonies, and kicked off the event with an opening speech on Friday morning, as Drew, Nick, and I set up shop and offered a wide variety of T-shirts, sweatshirts, informational material, pins, hats, and other gear. All

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by Anthony Gregory via

In Oakland, California, where I live, the Occupiers have been struggling to keep their ground on Ogawa Plaza, a piece of public property in front of City Hall. On the night of Tuesday, October 25, I saw from my apartment,...

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Authorities in Tennessee made about 30 arrests early Friday at the site where a few dozen Wall Street protesters have been encamped for about three weeks in Nashville, protesters said.

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"There remains," says Brisbane, "no clear accounting of the legal principles or the process the executive branch is applying to support secret killings by the CIA, which carries out strikes far from the battlefield – in this case against a native-bor

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I woke up at the age of 13 on October 31st, 1967, while a police officer was running at me full speed with a billy-club aimed at my head. I won the race, and I can tell you what I feared then has come to pass for this republic. A true police state.