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Police State

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Everyone in Austin, Texas always seems unusually charming to me. The people in Starbucks always have time for a chat. And the staff at the wildly gothic Mansion at Judges Hill (which, I am told, used to be a very fine rehab facility) can induce a sm

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Hours after the Justice Department announced it would limit its use of the state secrets privilege in new cases, the administration appeared before a federal judge here Wednesday and continued to invoke that defense in a closely watched spy case.

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No Third Solution

Don Payne, the assistant fire chief, had been in court earlier contesting a speeding ticket, and had returned to contest a ticket issued to his son. Payne was upset (and it seems rightly so) about the traffic tickets; the Jericho PD was well-known fo

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After reading the "Do you have the Right to Flip off a Cop?" article I was reminded of this video I saw on YouTube some time ago.

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“Long-range acoustic devices [LRADs] for crowd control can be extremely dangerous. These are used in Iraq to control insurgents. They can cause serious and lasting harm to humans…We want to know WHY our Sheriff Dept has this weapon,” Sal Magallanez of San Diego-based Liberty One Radio said in an e-mail sent to East County Magazine, prompting a joint investigation.

The device was stationed by San Diego County Sheriff deputies at a recent town hall forum hosted by Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-San Diego) in Spring Valley and at a subsequent town hall with Congressman Darrell Issa (R-San Diego). The Davis Rally drew an estimated 1,300-1,500 people, including vocal conservative and liberal protest groups.

A public records search conducted by East County Magazine has confirmed that the device is an LRAD 500-x manufactured by San Diego-based American Technology Corporation (ATC). Capable of use as an effective loudspeaker, the LRAD also has the abili

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Boston Globe

“I plan to get right back in it!’’ boomed James Traficant, the former Democratic representative from Ohio’s 17th district, announcing to 1,200 cheering supporters Sunday he just might still have a little of the old magic under that memorable rug.

Just like in his salad days, Traficant promised that he would take on the federal government that he said “cheated’’ to put him behind bars for racketeering and bribery. As the crowd shouted “Run for Senate,’’ he trashed the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and caused a frenzy when he proclaimed: “If we can take care of people all over the world, we can take care of people here!’’

Calling himself “a congressman and a convict,’’ Traficant, released Wednesday from prison, invoked imprisoned Nelson Mandela and said he “knew America better’’ because of his years behind bars.


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Steve Lombardi

Does bad judgment or rude behavior by any citizen justify the use of force of an electric shock by the police in America?

Here we go again, another officer with poor or nonexistent communication skills using the Taser in a manner unacceptable in a free society. This new report comes from not New York City where you expect rude behavior to be the norm, but from the wild west of Glenrock, Wyoming.

Wasn’t it the Bush Administration that coined the phrase, “Freedom isn’t free.”? I’m left to wonder, free of what; free of excessive force from our own police force? Just going through the airport in America I’m made to feel like a criminal in ways you won’t feel going through airports in Europe. In Russia you get robbed over luggage charges but you expect it. In America we now get not just robbed by Wall Street, but there is a growing trend of being mugged by our own police forces.

Like many of the reports seen on YouTube and

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Breaking down the formerly-gagged FBI whistleblower's sworn testimony...

It has now been over a week since the video tape and transcript from the remarkable 8/8/09 deposition of former FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds was publicly released. Previously, the Bush Administration invoked the so-called "state secrets privilege" in order to gag Edmonds, in attempting to keep such information from becoming public.

The under-oath, detailed allegations include bribery, blackmail, espionage and infiltration of the U.S. government of, and by current and former members of the U.S. Congress, high-ranking State and Defense Department officials and agents of the government of Turkey. The broad criminal conspiracy is said to have resulted in, among other things, the sale of nuclear weapons technology to black market interests including Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, Libya and others.

Even as many of these allegations had been previousl

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Freedom Fighter

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall NOT be violated…”Checkpoint USA is dedicated to confronting those who would place roadblocks in the path of free individuals and to exposing the police state - one checkpoint at a time.  

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The Arizona Republic

After a man legally carried to Obama's Phoenix visit an ACTUAL version of the TOY rifle at issue in this case, perhaps it was just too obvious that there was a wide discrepancy of recognition of rights between these to incidents. "All parties have agreed that criminal charges in this matter are not in the best interest of justice," a police spokesman said. Gee,...can we say "lawsuit"?

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savoy (libertarian)

What the hell is wrong with America? Have people gotten so complacent and ignorant that they are willing to relinquish all control and surrender their well being to the state? Remember a time when you were responsible for yourself and your family? Remember a time when people took responsibility for their own actions? Well….I don’t. This country has been in a downward spiral for longer than I have been alive. We are so far gone that people are actually accepting this corrupt, thieving, lying, murderous, tyrannical, corporate fascist state, as a leader. Some of you will call me unpatriotic or un-American for the things I am about to say. However, as George Orwell said, " In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." And to those who wish to speak negatively about my dissent, I will tell you that opposing corruption in government is the highest obligation of a patriot.

I would like to begin with why our founding fathers and the origina