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The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears To Have Led The Very First 1/6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol

Article Image by Paul Craig Rob

Dear Readers, Below is an extremely important analysis by a high level expert that explains and documents the engineering of the gain of function Covid virus driven by Tony Fauci and the engineered "vaccine" which is not a real vaccine but a con

Article Image by James Bovard

"It's not necessary to censor the news, it's sufficient to delay the news until it no longer matters," Napoleon Bonaparte reportedly said. The same standard helps explain why Washington politicians and federal agencies usually get away with c

Article Image, by Tyler Durden

In Part One of this article I described the fraudulent world we live in, and postulated we are moving from Huxley's "soft" dystopia towards Orwell's boot on the face "hard" dystopia. This pandemic of fear initiated by the Davos crowd over by Jacob G. Hornberger

On October 26, the deadline for the public disclosure of the CIA's still-secret records relating to the Kennedy assassination comes due.

Article Image by Glenn Greenwald

a Definitive Account of the CIA/Media/BigTech Fraud An axis of the CIA, Big Tech and the DNC-allied wing of the corporate media spread an absolute lie in the weeks before the 2020 election. We now have definitive proof.