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...nagalase becomes involved with creating cytokine storms after vaccinations, inflammation, and a host of other chronic diseases like Diabetes, Lupus, Lyme disease, Multiple Sclerosis--especially cancer and heart disease.

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Lew Rockwell

You've probably read that there is a "war on cash" being waged on various fronts around the world. What exactly does a "war on cash" mean?

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The measured US temperature data from USHCN shows that the US is on a long-term cooling trend. But the reported temperatures from NOAA show a strong warming trend.

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Academic historians dislike the concept that history is often made by groups of individuals plotting together in confidence, even though one obvious way to get big things done is to make plans with your friends and allies while keeping your rivals in

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(Truthstream Media) In the realm of government conspiracies discussed on the Internet, it doesn't take long to hear about GWEN towers. The topic comes up again and again in forums regarding government mind control programs. Here's a complete expl

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Israel's chokehold over U.S. politics and politicians has been so powerful for so many decades that this obvious reality is routinely denied, a collective gagging of the truth that is itself a measure of how strong the Israeli grip is.
