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I will be able to speak more freely about AVTM's cancellation after concluding my legal business with RT. Until then, just know that the FEC complaint was not a factor, but Jesse Benton is.

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Ron Paul Is Right To Be a Man of Peace - Laurence Vance on Christianity and war. / Get Real - Reject the lies of the power elite, says Anthony Wile. / 'They Are Setting the Stage for Violence in This Country' - No doubt about it, says Ron Paul; there

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Welcome to the online collaboration site of the Bitcoin Police. We're the Internet's very own investigators focused on exposing fraudsters and scammers in the Bitcoin community.

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Sharlene Holt, Musicians for Freedom

The "federal government" is actually a corporation located in Washington, D.C., which is not a state, but a territory. Because a corporation cannot create citizens, "U.S. citizens" are franchisees of the federal government.

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The struggle between the military/security complex and the financial sector comes down to a struggle over patronage. The military/security complex’s patronage network is built upon armaments factories and workforces, military bases...

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Retirement funds have become the ultimate fudge making tool of corrupt fiscal policy around the world. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has been robbing federal pensions for the last several months in the absence of a debt deal...

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Lew Rockwell

Glenn Greenwald writes about new evidence in the Amerithrax case. In response to a lawsuit brought against the feds arguing that Ft Detrick was negligent, the DOJ is saying that the facilities needed to make weaponized anthrax were not actually avail

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I always thought that a crisis would be put forward as an opportunity for the 'one-worlders' to once again promote their idea of a one world government, and a universal order of central financial authority that eventually and inevitably evolves...