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IPFS News Link • Conspiracies

HR 2819 Closes The Books On Any Questioning of the Osama bin Laden Raid

Now the United States Congress is trying to lock down, once and for all, any further hint of question about the event with a new bill, HR 2819. The bill prohibits any “officer or employee of the Federal Government from providing information about the mission to kill Osama bin Laden to any person outside the Federal Government…” This essentially silences anyone who might be able to shed some light on the event. The gag order would remain in effect until the CIA and Defense Department conduct their own ‘investigations’ and brief Congress; in other words, several years at least. It’s ironic that the government often relies on an insipidly weak logic when it erodes the privacy of its citizens. If you don’t like how USA PATRIOT Act provisions allow then to tap your telephone or check out your rental history, they say, “Hey, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!” Obviously the same reasoning doesn’t apply to them… and it’s another example of the tragic farce that is modern government.

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