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Politics: Independent and Other Campaigns

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The days of the Natural Law Party pushing meditation, preventive medicine and organic farming as political policies may be gone, but -- at least in Michigan, under the leadership of Doug Dern -- the party remains active, and will appear on the Nov. 6

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To: Prime Minister Charles Bruce Stewart [Green Libertarian] Cc: All Voters and Non Voters From: MP James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Subject: USA-PAR January Bulletin 2011 #2 New: Anonymous forwarder now available u

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Jimmy McMillan, a Brooklynite, is running for governor under the banner of the Rent Is Too Damn High party. He stole the show during a gubernatorial debate Monday night, spouting with unmatched passion his catchphrases about, well, how the rent is to

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Former CNN host Lou Dobbs fueled already rampant speculation about his political future Monday, sending the clearest signals yet that he's mulling a bid for president — and leaving third-party political operatives salivating over the possibility of a

Home Grown Food