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Politics: Libertarian Campaigns

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Ron Paul Institute - Adam Dick

United States Libertarian Party Chairman Nicholas Sarwark announced at Facebook last night that he will not seek reelection as party chairman at the Libertarian Party national convention in late May.

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Jacob Hornberger joins Judge Napolitano on Liberty File to discuss Donald Trump, the recent conflict in Iran, what the Constitution says about the Presidential Powers, and Jacob's run for the President of the United States in 2020 as a Libertarian.

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Jacob Hornberger joins Judge Napolitano on Liberty File to discuss Donald Trump, the recent conflict in Iran, what the Constitution says about the Presidential Powers, and Jacob's run for the President of the United States in 2020 as a Libertarian.

Article Image By Patrick Macfar

If you haven't already heard, Jacob Hornberger is running to be the Libertarian Party Presidential nominee. Because Keith is Keith, he has already interviewed Jacob Hornberger on his show, Keith Knight's "Don't Tread on Anyone."