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Gun Rights

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Every single vendor demands criminal background check. Despite claims that gun shows facilitate easy access to guns, it's impossible to purchase a firearm at a gun show or gun store without a background check, comedian and political commentator Ste

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"If a Tennessee grocery store bans guns on its property and a black bear or wild hog kills or injures a person who otherwise would be carrying his or her gun," reports, "the gun owner would be allowed to sue the property owner if

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This is NOT about you or anything you have done that was wrong. It's about our Governor, Terry McAuliffe, and our Attorney General, Mark Herring, who were both elected by a very small margin, and are a great embarrassment to Virginians.

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Ron Paul Institute - James Bovard

The White House kept one seat vacant in the gallery during Obama's State of the Union Address on Tuesday "for the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice." This was part of Obama's campaign for new federal restrictions on firearms

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While President Obama was tearing up to support his call for gun control, the U.S. military-industrial complex was celebrating its continued leadership in the sale of weaponry to foreign regimes.