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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

The Perception Of Patriotism:


While not necessarily earth shattering, the following report sent to us by a reader demonstrates the false patriotism we see across the entire retail sphere.

It's not about celebrating America's exceptionalism or cultural history; it's all about the dollars.

A quick search for Zippo brand lighters at the Sears web site shows a variety of results that include lighters with American flags, Bald eagles, the United States Marine Corps, and even "American Pride."

But apparently that pride and Patriotism don't extend to the actual laws that have governed our land for nearly a quarter of a millennium , the second of which preserves the right of all Americans to bear arms.

As you'll notice from the screenshot below, the lighter's decal cuts off just perfectly enough to be politically correct:

"The Right Of The People To Bear…"