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Gun Rights

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USA Today

When it comes to Bush administration proposals to lease areas of the Shoshone and Bridger-Teton National Forests for oil and gas development - including the place where he's had a hunting camp for 20 years - Johnston behaves like a dues-paying me

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Associated Press

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has decided to stop selling guns in about a third of its U.S. stores in what it calls a marketing decision based on lack of demand in some places. "This decision is based on diminished customer relevancy and demand in these

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Christain Science Monitor

A decade ago, businesses licensed to sell firearms outnumbered gas stations 245,000 to 210,000. Since then, the number of licensed firearms dealers has declined almost 80%. The reason: changes in regulations that, among other things, require

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The muscles of deer affected by a mad cow-like disease carry the infectious prions that spread the illness, meaning that venison could potentially spread the agent to humans, researchers reported

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Associated Press

The NRA wants legislation specifying that people have no duty to retreat from an attacker before using deadly force. About half of all states have similar rules on the books. But in Wyoming, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is taking a stan

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Associated Press

The traditional Winchester rifles carried by pioneers, movie stars and Wild West lawmen will be discontinued in March, a Belgian manufacturer said, confirming the end of an American icon that became known as "the Gun That Won the West."

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The Raw Story

Okay, I'm all for zero restriction gun ownership, but this is just plain weird: Santa Claus points a handgun at a masked terrorist on a Christmas card that the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, sent this year to a number of

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by Jim Peron (Institute of Liberal Values)

It was more than noise. It's a horrendous noise as if some large creature is smashing your home around you. You hear the crashing and smashing and you hear it coming toward you -- coming toward your daughter.

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Associated Press

Requiring off-duty officers to carry their weapons is being scaled back in police departments nationwide, increasingly being blamed for the deaths of officers shot by colleagues who thought they were criminals.

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Voters in famously liberal San Francisco overwhelmingly approved measures banning handguns and encouraging schools to keep military recruiters off campus, according to election results.

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interview with firearms expert Len Savage

The director of Enforcement of the BATF actually told me I was threatening them by posting my opinions on your website. They got hostile when we have showed up for that test and we made a point of videotaping it, and that seemed to really set them of

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East Valley Tribune

Officials are considering restrictions of recreation activities of the vast Tonto National Forest which are activity hot spots where thousands flock each week to hike, bike, sightsee, camp, drive off-road vehicles, shoot firearms and party day and ni

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Associated Press

Following complaints from gun-rights groups, FEMA said Monday it is lifting a ban on firearms at temporary housing parks built in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Under the new federal policy, residents can possess and store firearms.

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Associated Press

64% of Brazilians soundly rejected a proposal to ban the sale of all guns and ammo in a national referendum. Supporters argued that gun control was the best way to staunch the violence. Opponents played on Brazilians' fears that the police can

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Associated Press

The poor have a high violent crime rate. If we take the guns away from the poor the violence will stop. If we save even one child it will be worth it. Same old song.

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In just three weeks that wish will have less interference. Whether it's the library, the museum, Assembly chambers, the police department or city hall, the prohibition on weapons is coming to an end. Gun rights advocates think it is a good thing

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Alan Korwin, author of three books and co-author of seven others, is a full-time freelance writer, consultant and businessman with a twenty-five-year track record. He is a founder and two-term past president of the Arizona Book Publishing Association

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The forever memory of the Internet has exposed some of the largest pro-rights gun organizations as part of many efforts to negotiate your rights away in favor of political maneuvering for party labeled candidates and other special interests. But impr

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