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WAR: About that War

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Here's a simple question. Give me the first answer that pops into your mind: What's the purpose of the state?...Most people would probably answer, to keep us safe. I can argue that this isn't the state's true purpose (and I will, below), but

Article Image by Mike Hastie

March 16, 2017, was the 49th anniversary of the My Lai Massacre, located in Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam. It was Saturday morning, March 16, 1968, when approximately 115 U.S. Army soldiers of the Americal Division's Charlie Company, 1st Battalion,

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General H.R. McMaster, who was confirmed last week as White House National Security Advisor, is widely regarded as one of the best military men of his generation.

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antiwarcom by Uri Avnery

A few days ago I happened upon an excellent British movie, Testament of Youth, based on the memoirs of Vera Brittain.

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Panmunjom, the "peace village" on the incredibly tense demilitarized zone (aka DMZ) between North and South Korea, is one of the weirdest places I've ever visited. Tough North Korean soldiers lurk about, watched by equally tough South Korean troops

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We really could have skipped all the arduous debate on Iraq during the last presidential campaign. First, Trump was against the Iraq war from the very beginning … Then supposedly he was for the war, before he was against it … Trump denied that an

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During the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump claimed to have opposed the Iraq war, wanted better relations with Russia, and even briefly put his hand on the hot stove of the Arab-Israeli conflict, calling himself "neutral" on Palestine.

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In 1961, senior Pentagon consultants drafted a 33-page blueprint for initiating -- and winning -- a nuclear war against the Soviet Union. It was based on top-secret intelligence that Soviet nuclear forces were few in number and poorly defended --
