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WAR: About that War

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"We are on a road that leads straight to the World War 3, but in order to see that and to fully understand what is at stake you have to look at the big picture and connect the dots. This video examines the history of the dollar, its relation to oil,

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Jamal Kanj , Foreign Policy Journal

The hardest fought battle is for the hearts and minds of the average person; America is squarely losing this war. The drones’ killing of innocent bystanders, by mistake or utter recklessness, breeds resentments and new al Qaida recruits.

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A dark, gruesome, but wholly true depiction of the threat of thermonuclear war, the consequences, and Obama's deployment of a major portion of the U.S. thermonuclear capabilities in multiple theaters threatening both Russia and China. Bibliography

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The conflict between north and south actually began almost immediately after Sudan became independent in 1956. The first phase of the war lasted until 1972 when a truce was declared. War started up again in 1982 and continued until 2005 when the Ge

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Turkey has scrambled six F-16 fighter jets near its border with Syria after Syrian helicopters came close to the border, the country’s army says. Six jets were sent to the area in response to three such incidents on Saturday, the statement said, a

Article Image, By Gilad Atzmon

Back in 2009, in Houston Texas, Mimi Adams, a distinguished Palestinian solidarity & human rights activist, gave me a present- a USS Liberty baseball cap. She put it on my head and said,