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WAR: About that War

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OxOmer claims he is 17 years old and belongs to a four-member team of hackers who call themselves Israel Defenders. In the earlier counterattack, they published hundreds of Saudi credit card numbers. They told the Jerusalem Post they were also behind

Article Image Hornberger

A point made by James Madison might well explain the U.S. government’s strangulation of Iran’s economy with ever-tightening sanctions: “Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended.”

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Calling it not just an “exercise”, but a “deployment”, the Jerusalem Post quotes US Lt.-Gen Frank Gorenc, Commander of the US Third Air Force based in Germany. The US Commander visited Israel two weeks ago to confirm details for “the deployment of se

Article Image Engelhardt

It was to be the war that would establish empire as an American fact. It would result in a thousand-year Pax Americana. It was to be "mission accomplished" all the way. And then, of course, it wasn't. And then, almost nine dismal years later, it