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Sexuality: Sex and the Law

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The Political Commentator

Whether it's in the movies, situation comedies on T.V., cologne or clothing ads or commercials like the one below from Virgin Atlantic, sex sells! We all know this! Everyday we are bombarded by images and dialogue dripping with sexual innuendo (s

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Terrence Aym

Society, books, the news media and arts, all tend to paint sex as a pleasurable past time, and for the most part it is that. Yet the truth is sex can kill you. Because of the culture we live in, not many talk about it. Yet almost everyone is at risk

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Terrence Aym

Robots have been used for entertainment, rescues, construction, manufacturing, teaching…just about anything the human mind can conceive of. And of course one of the things often at the forefront of human minds is sex. So why not with robots? David Le

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