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IPFS News Link • Sexuality: Sex and the Law

Roman Catholic church's pedophile investigator jailed for child porn

• Daily Mail
A Catholic Church child safety co-ordinator who was in charge of investigating sexual abuse allegations was jailed for 12 months today for internet peadophile offences.
Police officers who traced him to his home in Plymouth, Devon, found more than 4,000 child porn images, mainly of boys aged 10 to 12, on his church-supplied computer and a memory stick when they raided the house in Penrose Road.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by David Jackson
Entered on:

      If he'd just been "smart" enough to be a  football coach, he'd be a "hero".

      Suppose he knows that he can't scam the system with his pretense to mythological superiority, any longer? Where the hell do these freaks come from? I've known thousands of people in my life and, to the best of my knowledge, not a single one of them preferred little boys to grown women...No disrespect to the "truly gay"; those gay individuals I've known seemed to prefer men, as opposed to kids, I speculate. Amongst my hetero  acquaintances, even the rabid "players" seemed to be able to keep their hands off the girls, until they grew up or said "yes". What the hell ever happened to the ever-popular retort "...if only one child is helped or saved, it will be worth it"..? If you are abusing children, you ARE shit! You aren't a hero. and, those who pretend that you might be, aren't far above you on the scale.

