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Politics: Republican Campaigns

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Most of you who contributed to the Ron Paul campaign have received the emails yesterday, concerning the new launch of a website called that would pool our money and target traitorous incumbents such as Sen. Boxer of California, Sen. Sch

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It’s hard to imagine a Republican more useless than South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Whether spearheading legislation that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, stumping for the $787 billion taxpayer theft known as “TARP,”

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While the energy of the anti-tax and anti-Big Government tea party movement may yet haunt Democrats in 2010, the first order of business appears to be remaking the Republican Party. Whether it’s the loose confederation of Washington-oriented groups t

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Does the Democratic Party confuse Democrats as much as the Republican Party confuses Republicans?

I ask this, as a newly studious and active Republican, because the Democrats have no rule similar to the Republicans' Rule 11 which apparently can be used to clear the field of opposing candidates in a race. The Democrats have no need for such a rule to clear the field; you see, they have no rule forbidding supporting one candidate at the expense of another prior to a primary in the first place.

In other words, prior to the citizens getting their say the Democrats can pick a favorite at the national level and send money his/her way unrestricted. His/her opponents, soon discovering that they can't compete with the avalanche of money from the party's national headquarters to their opponent, drop out. Did you think I was going to claim they would be made an offer they couldn't refuse? Of course not, they are much more subtle than that; and so are the Repub

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Sacramento Bee video

Republican Assemblyman Mike Duvall resigned from office today after revelations that he described lewd details of two sexual affairs at a televised committee hearing.

The resignation came after Assembly Speaker Karen Bass today stripped Duvall, R-Yorba Linda, of his spot as vice-chair of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee following reports of a long-term affair he has carried on with a female utility company lobbyist.

