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Article Image by Jason Ditz

Speaking at Duke University on the thousands of ground troops sent to the US border with Mexico, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joe Dunford insisted that there are no plans for the troops to ever come in contact with the migrant caravan.

Article Image, By Tyler Durden

US troops at the US-Mexico border are laying down approximately 1,000 feet of razor wire fending along the Texas side of the Rio Grande river underneath the McAllen-Hidalgo International Bridge, as three separate caravans of Central Americans make th

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Sometimes, a journalist wakes up in the middle of a crisis and realizes that they are running with the big dogs and that seems to be the case with regard to the multiple caravan issues and the associated dangers accompanying this event.

Article Image by Paul Joseph Watson

-as Interior Minister Warns Mass Immigration Could Cause Societal Breakdown "Today, we live side by side. I fear that tomorrow it will be face to face"

Article Image by Dave Hodges

In the past 48 hours, The Common Sense Show has received consistent information regarding the threat to US citizens at the border. I have solid and reliable communication on two sides of this issue.