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Article Image, By Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Left-libertarians profess to apply libertarian principles more consistently than other libertarians. In fact, their role is to serve as Viagra to the State. This becomes apparent when one considers their position on the increasingly virulent question

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May 12, 2015 -- The St. Lawrence County woman who videotaped an altercation with border patrol says Homeland Security agents visited her house while she was at her college graduation.

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After the high-level EU summit on the migrant issue, hastily convened after close to a thousand people drowned last weekend off the Lybian coast, Dutch PM Mark Rutte was quoted by 'his' domestic press as saying 'Our first priority is saving hum

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Amnesty Bonuses' in Tax Code: Illegal Immigrants to Receive Earned Income Tax Credit. Could cost 'more than $24,000 to those who receive deferred action' President Barack Obama has promoted his recent executive action on immigration by arguing
