IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Immigration

A Glimpse of America 20 to 30 Years from Now: This is What's Coming

Corporate America, Congress and non-stop pro-immigration advocates do not want you to know what the United States will look like in the next 35 years with an added 100,000,000 (million) legal immigrants.

The national media will not carry, but in fact, suppresses any conversation as to the ramifications of adding a total of 138 million people in total population load to America. 

That number equates to doubling the populations of our 35 most populated cities.  It jumps New York City from 8.3 million to 16.6 million; Chicago from 5 million to 10 million; Los Angeles grows from 11 million to 22 million.  The State of Florida expects to double from 18 million to 36 million.  Ironically it's one of the seven states that faces water shortages in 2015.  How will we water, feed, house, warm, transport, educate and medicate THAT many people?  How will we maintain quality of life and a viable environment?  Answer: we won't!

Along with all of that, we expect 100 million legal immigrants from 140 failed countries to land up on our shores with 140 different world views, cultures and languages.  We face a polyglot and chaotic multicultural society that you hear about in violent conflicts worldwide.

In this 15-minute video, you will enjoy an audio-visual presentation as Jeff Rense interviews yours truly on national radio.  Without a doubt, I expose unspoken and sobering factors of what we face.  Please pass this video to everyone you know.

Jeff Rense & Frosty Wooldridge - Immigration Out Of Control—15 minute of what America faces 


(Permission to display this graph given by Roy Beck, Director, www.NumbersUSA.org)

As Americans apathetically yawn their days away, tremendous changes face everyone in this country.  We that work pay for 50 million people on welfare.  We face enormous cultural clashes via multiculturalism. Think Paris, France.  Think Stockholm, Sweden. Think London, England.  Think Fort Hood and more jihad to come to the USA.  As you noted with the anarchy in Ferguson, Missouri or the 50 gun fights in Chicago over the 4th of July 2014 or the Muslims creating terrorist training camps in our country—we face civilization-collapsing scenarios for our future.

Pat McDonough, host, www.wcbm680.com said, "The new illegal aliens are "seedlings" that will develop a "country within a country." This is the secret Obama administration plan. These foreigners will "navigate, not assimilate," as they eventually "take over the host," coming "out of the shadows" and "pushing the citizens into the shadows."

So do we descend into sociological, environmental and cultural chaos without a whimper?  How can anyone with a high school education not see what we face?  In the national media, you won't hear a whisper.  Brain dead?  No, corporations and power elites encourage this invasion against any and all common sense.  Why do you think it continues?  Answer: big money pays off the majority of our elected representatives.  Otherwise, they would vote any kind of an amnesty down and would reduce all legal immigration to less than 100,000 annually instead of the current 100,000 immigrants every 30 days.

We need a national discussion on what we bequeath to our children.

Here's what you write to your newspapers, radio talk show hosts and local TV talk stations. Write an email to you senators and congressmen and women. You can cut and past this template letter.  Addresses provided below. It won't take you more than 15 minutes to write all those media people:

Dear Ms. Leslie Stahl, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer, David Muir, Wolf Blitzer, Megyn Kelley, Rachel Maddox, Scott Pelley, etc.

At the current rate of mass legal and illegal immigration, our country expects an added 138,000,000 million people within 35 years.  That means a doubling of our 35 most populated cities. That means New York City jumps from 8.3 million to 16.6 million; Chicago, Illinois increases from 5 million to 10 million; Los Angeles grows from 11 million to 22 million.

Seven states already suffer water shortages in 2015.  California faces enormous drought consequences, but expects to add 20 million virtually 98 percent of it via legal and illegal immigration. How will we water, house, warm, feed, transport, educate and provide services for THAT many people?  How about quality of life and a viable environment? 

Please interview top writers, scientists and experts on demographics, resources, water, energy and environment.  Let's begin a much-needed national discussion on what our country faces if we don't change course.

Kindest regards,

(Your name)

If just 100,000 readers sent in this letter, with your own added comments, we just might crack the national media.  If we maintain this current path, we won't make it to the end of this century as a viable civilization.  We will end up like China, India and Mexico.  We most certainly will end up like Lebanon, France and the United Kingdom. None of it pretty.

Addresses to send your letter:

Charlie Rose:  charlierose@pbs.org

Leslie Stahl or Steve Croft: 60m@cbsnews.com

Robert Siegel at Talk of the Nation: talk@NPR.org

Matt Lauer at NBC Today Show: todaystoryideas@nbc.com



Terri Gross, Leann Hanson, Steve Inskeeep at NPR

Megyn Kelly at Fox News: Kelly@foxnews.com

O'Reilly at Fox News: Oreilly@foxnews.com

Wolf Blitzer: CNN

Take action by joining for free:

America: www.CapsWeb.org; www.NumbersUSA.org ; www.Fairus.org ; www.CarryingCapacity.org

Canada:  www.immigrationwatchcanada.org

United Kingdom:  www.populationmatters.org

Australia:  www.population.org.au  Sustainable Population Australia


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