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IPFS News Link • Immigration

Broad U.S.-Canada border deal would allow customs officers to work next door

• Yahoo News

WASHINGTON - A new deal that could lead to wide-ranging changes at the Canada-U.S. border would allow armed customs agents to screen travellers on the other country's soil.

That's one aspect of a broad agreement that could touch every mode of transport between Canada and the U.S. — including travel by car, train, bus and ship.

It would take the pre-clearance customs system already in place at major Canadian airports and apply that to land and maritime vehicles, allowing travellers to clear customs before the border.

The goal is to clear border choke points and speed up travel.

The agreement was hailed as historic by both governments at a signing ceremony Monday with Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney and U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson.

"This momentous occasion ... will advance the shared interest in perimeter security and economic competitiveness for our two countries," Johnson said.

Travellers won't see results immediately.