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Foreign Policy

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The Shiites accuse authorities in the kingdom, which is dominated by the hardline Sunni Wahhabi tendency, of discrimination. Saudi Arabia denies this, describing the protesters as "rioters" financed by foreign countries to cause unrest in the world

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The Scroll - Adam Chandler

In the wake of a controversial cartoon published in the Sunday Times of London, massive crowds of angry Jewish protestors gathered in Hyde Park yesterday and, whipped into a fervor by local rabbis, took to the streets of London.

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Free Press Publications

The US government isn't the only government trying to conceal the use of drone warfare which has expanded during the Obama Administration. The Washington Post reports of a drone strike in Radda, Yemen that killed 11 of the 14 people in the truck tha

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Lew Rockwell blog

Andrei Arbashe, a young Syrian Christian, had just gotten married and his wife was about to give birth. He had his life ahead of him. But thanks to the US/Saudi/Qatari/Israeli-supported rebels that was not to be. Instead he was beheaded by Obama
