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IPFS News Link • Foreign Policy

The Blind Alley of J Street and Liberal American Zionism

•, by Abba A. Solomon and Norman Solomon
 The contrast between the two U.S. groups is sometimes stark. J Street applauds diplomacy with Iran, while AIPAC works to undermine it. J Street encourages U.S. support for "the peace process" between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, while AIPAC opposes any meaningful Israeli concessions. In the pressure cooker of Washington politics, J Street’s emergence has been mostly positive. But what does its motto "Pro-Israel, Pro-Peace" really mean?

That question calls for grasping the context of Zionism among Jews in the United States – aspects of history, largely obscured and left to archives, that can shed light on J Street’s current political role. Extolling President Obama’s policies while urging him to intensify efforts to resolve Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, the organization has staked out positions apt to sound humanistic and fresh.