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News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Great News From the First Presidential Debate!

•, By Karen Kwiatkowski

We've all seen presidents come and go, bringing their entourages into the decaying people's house, trading principle for the trappings of power, presidents captive to the demands of corrupt parties that are rotting from inside and out.

Speaking of corrupt parties, consider the Democratic Party, a racist nativist eugenicist statist socialist party that reached peak cohesion with FDR and Truman. Truman himself was just a guy who inherited an office, having been selected following the three unbreakable rules of selecting a Vice President:  bring more rubes to a ticket, discourage impeachments or assassinations, and ensure no coups from next door or across the river.  Vice Presidential choices are rarely military "heroes" (George H.W. Bush's extremely well-rewarded time in the Pacific as a teenager proving the point by exception). Reagan's rueful choice of Bush had been forced upon him on the second day of the 1980 GOP Convention as he realized the implications of the Republican National Committee's vision of co-presidency with establishment choice Gerald Ford.

Imagine your life depending on a platoon of vice presidents from the past 60 years.  George HW Bushes, Al Gores, Dan Quayles, Richard Nixons, Dick Cheneys, and Joe Bidens.  It's the stuff of comedy, and nightmares.

Until his death, Truman considered his biggest decision – to cause several hundred thousand fiery deaths of Japanese men, women and children and the slow deaths of hundreds of thousands more in the non-military, non-industrial cities of Nakasaki and Hiroshima – completely justified.  Even though World War II had already ended in the Europe, and the Pacific front collapsed, mass murder and regional destruction funded and delivered by the US Government was worth it to "send a message to Russia."

Democrats in 1945, under a Vice President who inherited his position from a multi-term popular socialist President, sent a nuclear message to Russia at great cost, stupidly and with evil intent.  Let's pray it's a one-off.