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America – The ‘Stateless’ Society

The stateless society, in our case America, is not the solution in my opinion, but instead the problem! The problem isn’t that there is too much government; the problem is that there isn’t enough government. Yes, I said it out loud, (or at least typed it out loud). Surely by now people are questioning and wondering how I could produce such insane logic? But before jumping to conclusions, please allow me to explain myself. First, America has been described by many using words such as: police state, tyranny, out of control and ever expanding government, nanny state, warfare state, welfare state, you get the idea. How is this considered a ‘stateless’ society one might ask? Good question! Anyone who has typed into the Duns and Bradstreet website “THE STATE OF” (fill in the blank for your state) will know that their state is, in fact, a corporation. Albeit a ‘non-profit’ corporation, make no mistake, it is in ‘business’ to make money. So, if your State, your local government, and likely your city government, as well the ‘United States’ are all corporations in ‘business’ to make money, where does this leave you? Without a government! Without a government that can protect your life, liberty and property – or in other words you are left STATELESS! How does it feel being ‘stateless’? Alone? Vulnerable to the abuse of out of control corporations, even those who commit fraud and pose as governments? Are you beginning to see my point?

So those who have been dreaming of a utopian stateless existence, where everyone is frolicking about taking care of each other, birds chirping, flowers blooming, can now open your eyes, we are there! Did it turn out the way you expected? But, now that we are there, and see what it is like, maybe it’s appropriate to caution ourselves: to be careful what we wish for!

The United States of America was founded as a peoples’ self-government instituted among men in order to secure these rights of: life, liberty, and property. These are all the things that we hoped we would find in a stateless society, but instead found tyranny. How did we end up in this stateless existence? In 1871 the peoples’ representatives decided to abandon their posts as representatives of the people in the people’s government, and instead voted themselves off of the “several states” and into a municipal corporation with a jurisdiction within a ten mile square situated in the District of Columbia and including other Federal Territories. Since then, ‘We the People’ have been stateless. We the people, from this point, being without the protection of the peoples’ government, were lead through deception by private bankers and corporations and were provided with what was perceived to be a benefit of a corporate identity (provided with the birth record) which unwittingly led us into a corporate jurisdiction. Yes, there is a corporate state that exercises extreme authority over our corporate entity, and has given us the perception that our constitutional rights have been taken from us, when in reality, the constitutional rights of our corporate entity have been taken. But, in fact, nothing was ever really taken because corporations never had rights in the first place!   

The question now is: shall we stand alone in the face of tyranny, stateless and without government? Or shall we stand together and, once again, institute among men self-government in order to secure or rights of life, liberty and property, from the abuse of out of control corporations posing as government? Everyone must make their own choice, of course, after all the power of government is derived by the ‘consent of the governed’.


The Republic is RESTORED! For those who want it.

Tom Westbrook



7 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

The problem with re-seating the original United States of America - the one that George Washington and the gang set in place - is that it is the same one that got us into the trouble that we are in now!

If we go to all the trouble of putting it into power again, how are we going to change it to assure ourselves that this same thing doesn't happen again? You know the thing I mean? The United States Government as it exists now.

Comment by Tom W.
Entered on:

Wayne Fazio - nearly everything the de facto corporation ('government' as some call it) does to interact with us is contractual in nature. Yes there is coercion and fraud involved, but mostly due to the ignorance and complicity of the sheeple. Example: drivers license, registration, permits, income tax, etc.

Comment by Tom W.
Entered on:

Wyne Fazio, tittiger,  Mike Chavez - thank you for taking the bait--hook on!

The problem is in the definition of 'government'. Because all we have ever known is this current form of 'government' this is how we define the word. But this is only because of our limited experience. By definition according to the founding document of this country the Declaration of Independence: "That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" our 'government' must meet two conditions. First, it must have the consent of the governed, and second, it must have the sole purpose of securing the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By referring to this corporate gang of thugs, as a 'government' you are agreeing to those two terms and giving them way too much credibility.

If you expand your thinking to include the definition of government to mean public servants chosen by and among the people, (minus Diebold machines), who are dedicated to protecting peoples life, liberty, and property and operating with explicit consent of the people, you'll understand my definition of 'government'. People have been programed to hate the very thing that could save them from tyranny (a 'government' instituted among men by defined by the declaration of independence).

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

I probably won't be saying it much better here but, the reason that we support government is because of what is found here:. Despite the heaven-like world that we all dream of living in, we don't have it.

All Tom is trying to do is to get us to realize that we don't have Government right now. We have "GANG." If we had Government, GANG would be put in its place and we all would have a life more like the heaven-like world that we dream of living in.

Now, let me go one slight step beyond what Tom is saying. GANG is, itself, a form of Government in its own right (or wrong). Even the Mafia has government among its families.

Try removing government in some form from your personal family. If you have teenage kids at home, and you don't have family Government, you have a disfunctional family. The question isn't Government or not. The question is what kind of limited Government? And, how do we put it in place?

Comment by Wayne Fazio
Entered on:

The government is a coercive monopoly. Nothing like a business where a business has to earn it's money. Government forces you to do business with it and at a price of it's choosing. Why anyone would support this system is beyond me. Maybe its because we are force to support it.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

You should not publish pieces without the authors email being clearly posted!
This guy has it ass backwards.  We have way way too much criminal government.
Stateless? Is he on drugs or what? 

It would be nice to have a little bit of lawful government by comparison but to any sane person
we have way to much criminal government.

Comment by Mike Chavez
Entered on:
Since you do not understand what government is, you arrive at an errant thesis. Government is a group of men that issue violence upon society in order to accomplish their aims...whatever those aims may be and regardless of the legal device they use to organize themselves. Government is not: Infrastructure (roads, water systems, etc...) Services (fire department, schools, courts) Law or any other thing the government would prefer you believe them to be. Government is militant group of men that occupy society in order to control and extract our wealth. They merely pay for these services to buy your docile obedience. I'm sorry sir, but we have plenty of government on this continent.

