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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Three People Show Up to 'Biden For President-Reproductive Freedom' Rally at Pennsylvania...

•,by Cristina Laila

A whopping three people showed up at a Biden for President rally at the Pennsylvania State Capitol with legislators on Thursday.

"Biden for President–Reproductive Freedom: Members of the PA State Legislature will join Amanda Zurawski and Kaitlyn Joshua — two women denied life-saving abortions due Donald Trump's abortion ban–for a reproductive freedom rally," the announcement said.

Three people showed up.

There were more news reporters than attendees at the rally at Soldier's Grove.

Four reporters showed up to the Biden for President rally.

State legislators held up signs that read "Stop Trump's Abortion Ban."

Trump never banned abortions.

The US Supreme Court in June 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade and kicked the abortion issue back to the states.
