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Politics: Republican Campaigns

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by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise)

Republicans will now morph into Tea Partiers. Or die. The Republican Party as we know it, has no future. It is over. It may try to claim victories to come in 2014 and 2016, but they will be Tea Party victories if they are to be victories at all.

Article Image, By Ryan Singel

In the back and forth in Wednesday night’s presidential debate over tax breaks to energy companies, Republican nominee Mitt Romney argued that President Obama’s grants and tax breaks to renewable energy companies equalled 50 years of the tax breaks t

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Lew Rockwell blog

Various agencies of the federal police apparatus shut down the city's main interstate highway for hours so no one could get close enough to threaten the life of the 2 great deities currently exchanging talking points at the University of Denver.