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George Conway thinks he can 'deprogram' Trump supporters, but he can't even help his dau


There are a few high-profile folks on this planet who probably won't be snagging any "Father of the Year" awards anytime soon. Joe Biden is one of them, having sadly raised a degenerate crackhead criminal. The other not-so-stellar dad would likely be George Conway, the Stage 5 TDS lunatic whose misguided hatred for President Trump has wreaked havoc on his life and family.

It's a tough scene, especially for George Conway's daughter, Claudia. She's been struggling for a good part of her young life. We all remember when she had that epic meltdown online, right? Fueled by left-wing reporters, this poor teenager was used to push a twisted political agenda against her mom and Trump advisor, Kellyanne Conway. Unfortunately, this young lady has really gotten the short end of the stick, seemingly lost in the political shuffle. It makes you wonder—if her father, who's got some of the worst TDS we've ever seen, spent half as much time focusing on his daughter as he does on his bizarre anti-Trump crusade, she might be in a much better place. As it stands now, Claudia Conway has decided that her path in life is "sex work," which probably isn't every father's dream for his daughter.

USA Today: 

Claudia Conway is taking "full control of my body and my voice" as a Playboy bunny.

Conway − the 18-year-old daughter of former President Donald Trump's White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, and attorney George Conway, a fierce Trump critic − announced she joined Playboy's content creator platform on Tuesday, May 23.

"When I was 15-16, I was exploited by the media, preyed upon, and was forced into portraying myself as something I wasn't. My body was taken from me," she wrote on Twitter. "Now, as a young adult, I am aiming to reclaim my womanhood and femininity in a way that is truly mine. I am putting myself out there in a way that is MY OWN and no one else's."

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