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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

MEL K | The REAL Reason They are After Trump

• - Flyover Conservatives

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by dreamer
Entered on:

"What can be done ?" you ask. . . . Congress, or FOIA, can audit the FRBNY's exclusive handling of govt money in auctions of Treasury securities.... Deficit Spending securities, transferred to the Fed for fiat book-entry FRNs for govt to spend, are added as components to securities being formulated by the Fed for redeeming maturing securities. [>$15T annually]. ..The components, historically labeled in TreasuryDirect tabulations as 'New Cash,' disappeared. If the funds went to govt, it would eliminate any inflation and would also negate any increase in the National Debt. It would be the same money flow as taxation. No textbook will identify this; it does not fit the Fed's narrative. The components must go to a private entity, such as a Rothschild corporation. Ref. 31 CFR #375.3.

Comment by dreamer
Entered on:

A standing army, as a toy of a tyrant, was forbidden by the Constitution until it was abrogated in 1947. It has resulted in unceasing war-mongering for profit by military suppliers and territorial conquest and oppression by financiers. The financial burden on the citizens is obvious in the National Budget. ...Until 1947, all army military preparation was under the control of the states.

Comment by dreamer
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Is BlackRock laundering covet profit from the Fed ?

Comment by dreamer
Entered on:

The Fed has used the FRBNY's exclusive control over the auctions of Treasury securities to confiscate $34 Trillion that legally belongs to the govt. Ref 31 CFR #375.3. Accounts have never been audited and is funding NWO. The $34T fiat FRN's credit of the Fed has been identified by bogus legislation as a "legal tender" to pretend it is a debt of the citizens. The Income Tax on Sovereign Citizens violates Art IV, sec. 4 guarantee of Republic. If 16th Amendment violates this Right, it is a coup and violates Art VI. Courts to enforce a coup violates oath of office and voids jurisdiction. [The sovereign US is immune from taxation of assets by subordinate states.]

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

How many dead-from-abortion 'babies' have been killed in the USA? Is the 60 million only those that are known about? Personally, I believe that the people of America are part of the problem. And it is God Who is looking at this problem. If America falls it will be because of the war on 'babies' going on in America. Sure, the abortion thing has been promoted by the Deep State. But the people listened to the DS rather than to God. | Revelation in the Bible talks about the crash of the banking system. And it talks about the rise of Satan and His accomplices at the end. If we want to postpone this end somewhat, we need to stop the war on 'babies' right now. This won't be enough to turn God's anger away from us. But it might be enough to postpone it for a time after our grandchildren.