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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

The Last Human Election

•, By Rosanne Lindsay

If you utilize spam filters, online shopping (e-commerce), social media, Tele-health, Gaming, Robotics, Smart™ phones and appliances, cryptocurrencies and blockchain, then A.I. shapes your world.

What is A.I.?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is machine-displayed intelligence that simulates human behavior or thinking and can be trained to solve specific problems. AI is a combination of Machine Learning techniques and Deep Learning.

A.I. Technology is nothing new. Twenty years ago, Google started using machine learning, and 10 years ago, it helped spur rapid progress in AI using deep learning. Since 1865, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has been at the center of advances in communications technology, from telegraphy to satellites, mobile phones, and the Internet.

Not only does A.I. create fake virtual faces in the media, but it can s-elect presidents by digitally manipulating the vote.

Since the 2000 U.S. national election, and the stunt of "the hanging chad," A.I. technology has manipulated votes with or without people's knowledge.  Internationally, A.I. manipulated the 2009 Presidential election in Iran, the 2012 Presidential election in Mexico, and the Kenyan election in 2017.  Already, A.I. is already making a nightmare of 2024 political campaigns.  India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and the U.S. are all heading to the polls.

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