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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Memories of Lockdown

•, By Austin Ruse

I wish I had kept a daily diary of all that went on while the government illegally locked us down during Covid. But I do have memories, and many of them quite wonderful.

I remember the stillness and quiet, sitting in the backyard with my wife, watching our children play, watching the chickens do that scratch-scratch-look thing as they hunted for mites in the dirt.

It was a time when the Catholic school kids on the block finally gelled with the Publics, and they traveled in bike-packs all over the neighborhood. Honey, where are the kids? Just look for the bikes strewn in someone's front yard, in front of the forest where they built an "Indian village," or over near the pipeline, the one that brings various kinds of fuel all the way from Florida to New England.

There are fond memories of my wife and daughters having a tea party in the living room, riding bikes to Duck Donuts. They did TV exercises in the basement. There was family time during lockdown! Busy dads worked from home. Travel sports, that family killer, died. They died for a time; sadly, they are back.

I say this remembering also that our precious family time was juxtaposed against those poor souls who were shut in completely alone and lonely. Some were forced to die alone. A friend of a friend committed suicide during this lock down. We remember all these sorrowful events.

There were remarkable moments, though. One of them was Cathy and Gigi participating in an exceptional choral event put on by musical genius Eric Whitaker. A virtual choir of 17,572 singers from 129 countries submitted their faces and voices in four-part harmony all singing his song "Sing Gently."