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IPFS News Link • Technocracy

Technology As Tyrant: A Glimpse Into A Dystopian Technocratic World


This belief holds that science and technology are not just tools or conveniences, but rather the very keystones of a utopian future, a perfect society.

It's an alluring vision, an ambitious dream where the boundaries of humanity are not just pushed but entirely redrawn through the power of scientific management and technological integration. Let's delve into this philosophy, beginning with its roots in technocracy.

The term itself, 'technocracy', was coined in 1919, but it was in 1938 that it crystallized into a more defined ideology. Technocrats argue that politicians and traditional forms of governance are ill-equipped to handle modern problems. Instead, they advocate for a society governed by technical experts — scientists, engineers, and technologists, those who understand the intricate workings of complex systems, be they in energy, transportation, or economics.

This governance model is underpinned by a profound trust in scientific methodology. Technocrats believe that through careful, rational, and scientific management of resources, a more efficient, equitable, and prosperous society can be achieved. The appeal is clear: decisions made not on the whims of politics, but on the solid ground of data, logic, and expertise.

Transhumanism dovetails with technocracy in its enthusiasm for technology, but it takes a more personal focus. Where technocracy is concerned with societal systems, transhumanism zeroes in on the human condition itself.

It's a philosophy or movement that advocates for enhancing the human experience through the application of technology. It's not just about making life easier or longer; it's about fundamentally enhancing human capabilities — cognitive, physical, emotional.