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Biometrics Providers See Novel Uses for Facial Recognition in Healthcare and Education

•, By Joel R. McConvey

A company release says Corsight AI's Facial Intelligence system has been integrated at critical access points and sensitive areas monitored by ISEG's extensive camera network, in order to enhance security and improve patient experience.

Corsight AI's biometric facial recognition software can be configured to regulate access to restricted areas such as ICUs and pediatric care units, and to send security alerts to ISEG personnel if it identifies the faces or repetition patterns of individuals known to pose security threats. In combination with ISEG's established security protocols, it strengthens overall hospital security infrastructure for staff and patients.

Having been recognized by NIST for its accuracy in suboptimal scenarios such as poor video quality, limited camera angles, distance, motion, facial coverage and disguises, Corsight AI is hoping the ISEG partnership leads to expanded opportunities for deployment in healthcare facilities and other industries across Latin America.

"Working with ISEG to integrate our Facial Intelligence platform into their security framework has been immensely rewarding," says Karla M. López, LATAM sales manager for Corsight AI. "Together, we're not only enhancing security but also advancing operational efficiency and customer service in the healthcare sector"

Gabriel Lerner, CEO of ISEG Corp., says the company "chose Corsight AI for its proven accuracy in real-world conditions and for its unbiased performance across gender, age, and ethnicity."