Freedom Summit 2014 Schedule (FINALIZED)
Written by Ernest Hancock Subject: Freedom SummitFULL REGISTRATION PACKAGE
Register HERE
Complete Freedom Lover's Package: Only $350 for one, or $650 for Two. You get the entire Freedoms Summit Registration
Package PLUS the Freedom's Phoenix Subscription Package listed above.
Sheraton Crescent Hotel
Online Reservations for Freedom Summit
2620 West Dunlap Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85021 USA
Phone: (602) 943-8200
Pay with Bitcoin, processed by BitPay.
When you pay with Bitcoin or silver or gold, you receive a $50 discount per person on your Summit Registration Package, plus you get the Saturday and Sunday lunch program buffets included FREE – a total $90 value each! This offer is valid only for advance registrations made online and paid before Thursday, Feb. 13 – No discount will be given for registrations at the door. Check or Metals must be sent to arrive by Feb. 12 (we'll set price of metals on high for the day postmarked).
Speakers Include: James Babb – Davi Barker – John Buttrick – John Bush – Patrick Byrne – Tim Frey – Will Grigg – Charles Goyette – Anthony Gregory – Ernest Hancock – Meghan Kellison – Rosa Koire – Greg Peterson – Larken Rose – Paul Rosenberg – Butler Shaffer – Phranq Tamburi – Tarrin Lupo – Marc Victor – Cody Wilson
Package Details below - Register HERE
FRIDAY EVENING:(Friday Night Mixer Option is $25)
Freedom Summit 2014 Registration Package includes:
• Saturday Speaker Programs• Optional $25 Pre-Summit: Bonus Friday Night
• Saturday Night Keynote Program and Dinner
• Sunday Speaker Programs
• Continental Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday
• Morning Catered Break on Saturday and Sunday
• Afternoon Catered Break on Saturday
• Post-Summit: Sunday PM Event
Forum/Debate and Mixer – Appetizers and
Margaritas provided from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm• $125 All Saturday Speaker Programs Only – No meals
• $75 Sunday Speaker Programs Only – No meals
• Optional $20 Saturday Buffet Lunch with Program
• Optional $20 Sunday Buffet Lunch with Program
• Optional $75 Saturday Dinner Event Only
• Optional $50 Sunday Lunch & Bitcoin Program
Plus Post-Summit Sunday Afternoon Events Only
Meghan Kellison shows you how to take advantage of
Bitcoin and easily use it in everyday transactions.• Optional $35 Post-Summit Sunday Events Only
Sunday PM Event on Self-sustainability / Agenda
21 in your community / Backyard Food Production
(Included in Summit Full Package) Register HERE
6:30am-8:45am: Registration and Vendor setup
- 8:45am-9:00am: Welcome by Ernest & Donna Hancock
- 9:00am-10:00am: Anthony Gregory
- 10:00am-11:00am: Marc Victor
- 11:00am-11:15am: Catered Break
- 11:15am-12:15am: Paul Rosenberg
- 12:15pm-1:45pm:
LUNCH (The lunches are long and offer some
valued socializing time on your own or as a $20 add on at the Summit). Saturday’s lunch will feature Tim Frey and Ernest Hancock detailing their self-sustaining efforts in Pensacola, Fl. and Phoenix, Az.
- 1:45pm-2:45pm: Judge John Buttrick
- 2:45pm-3:45pm: Charles Goyette
- 3:45-4:00pm: Catered Break
- 4:00pm-5:00pm: Patrick Byrne
- 5:00pm-6:15pm: Before Dinner Break
- 6:15pm-9:00pm:
Dinner Program with Will Grigg & Larken
- 8:00am-9:00am: Continental Breakfast
- 9:00am-9:45am: Davi Barker
- 9:45am-10:45am: Phranq Tamburri
- 10:45am-11:00am: Catered Break
- 11:00am-Noon: Butler Shaffer
Meghan will be doing a talk on how Bitcoin is a practical approach to alleviating problems of poverty. The title will be Bitcoin: Applied Philosophy for Fighting Poverty: As the cryptocurrency Bitcoin grows in popularity, it is being used for a huge variety of purposes. one of the fastest growing sectors in the bitcoin economy is bitcoin funded charities. These charities are changing hundreds of lives and the network of bitcoin makes it optimal for helping people in need all over the world much more efficiently than government funded foreign aid.
(Sunday's afternoon package is also part of the Full Package)
In years past we always reserved the venue until 9pm
as part of the FreedomSummit contract so that other organizations we support
could make use of the venue, but this time we wanted to offer an awesome package
that would be very popular on its own and that would allow for the participation
of many of the organizations and individuals that we have associated with over
the years that are not as voluntarist in their philosophy but are very
supportive of our activities. Issues such as Bitcoin, 3D Printing,
Self-Sustainable Communities and Family Farms, Jury Nullification Activists,
Agenda21 Activists, Traditional and Non-Traditional Farming and Food
Production has all been made part of a certain to be popular package that will
keep our Sunday afternoon attendance high. This low
price is only possible due to the hotel not counting heads after the lunch on
Sunday for the Catered Breaks (which is $20 per person per break… it’s a nice
table of goodies :)
- 1:45pm-2:45pm: Cody Wilson
- 2:45pm-3:45pm: James Babb
- 3:45pm-4:00pm: Break
- 4:00pm-4:55pm: Rosa Kiore
- 5:00pm-5:55pm: Greg Peterson
6:00pm-6:55pm: Tarrin Lupo and his transition into Farming
- 7:00pm-9:00pm: John Bush (2 hours to promote his Austin Texas SustainableLiving effort and to air portions of the program)
Here in Phoenix we have cultivated many relationships that go outside the traditional Liberty Community and we are making a large effort to entice our new friends to attend this portion of the 2014 FreedomSummit. It has been crafted to provide the information desired by the people most interested at a price that is enticing for those that would not normally attend such an event (Preppers, Permaculturalists, Environmentalists, Local Farmers and their customers etc.) This portion of the FreedomSummit will be far more popular than I think many realize… watch :)
30 Sec MP3 #1 The Transition
Added to the line up
is Patrick Byrne (CEO of
Overstock.com) and Meghan Kellison (winner of Porcfest X’s Soapbox Idol).
The attached graphic and radio commercial files are
updated with this new
Those interested in 3D Printing and Bitcoins are excited by the inclusion of Patrick Byrne (Overstock.com just announced their planned acceptance of Bitcoins), Cody Wilson (Dark Wallet for Bitcoin and his attack on Intellectual Property via the 3D Printing of guns demonstration) and Davi Barker from BitcoinsNotBombs. Patrick’s main presentation will be on solutions in education that he is excited about sharing, but the direct challenge to the financial system via cryptocurrencies will be on the minds of many wondering what the next phase of the LOV3olution will look like.
As it stand now the
schedule is as follows, unless there is a scheduling conflict for someone.
BTW… the trains run on time at the
FreedomSummit! Presentations start and stop as they are scheduled (this has
always been a much appreciated feature in our questionnaires) and it also helps
with audio/video recordings etc.
- Vendor Setup can start as early as
Noon on Friday but no later than 6pm (Please let us know if you need space on a
set of tables that we will have available for speakers that will be staffed by
Friday Night Event
This is always a relaxing time that’s fun and is offered as a $25 option for those that hope to meet the speakers in a relaxed environment. For an hour the Margaritas are free and include some appetizers (not a meal). Our original intent in 2001 was to have a Speaker Dinner on the Friday of the FreedomSummit but with so many speakers, and friends that wanted to participate, it quickly turned into it’s own large event and after a couple of years it had to be moved to the Summit venue. This worked for us well since it allowed for the testing of the equipment etc. We will also have staff helping with early registrations.
The schedule above has been crafted
as a result of years of questionnaires fill out by our attendees.
The return rate is always over 80%
and we listened.
> Long lunches are popular. (an optional presentation
sponsored by a speaker or vendor for a $20 buffet sandwich lunch is also a
popular addition).
> At least an hour or more break before the Dinner is
served is also appreciated.
> The Dinner needs to be of quality
with variety and good service. This is best accomplished Buffet
Style and is more fun.
> “Don’t drag out the Dinner Program… get to the
speakers”. We do provide 3 minutes for Vendors to announce
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