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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

When Technocrats Sunk Their Claws Into President Donald Trump And He Rolled Over


Since then, it apparently has been swept under the carpet, virtually scrubbed from the Internet. Nevertheless, I found it, and this changes everything about Trump's role in the biggest health fiasco in our nation's existence.

Before you all attack dogs launch at me, be aware I voted for Trump. I have previously given him every benefit of the doubt on his role in starting Operation Warp Speed and his role with characters like Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Francis S. Collins. Certainly, he was just used or perhaps duped, right?

Ah, not so fast. The EO 13887 that Trump signed on Sept. 19, 2019, was just before COVID hit. It was one month BEFORE the now-infamous Event 201 role-playing exercise where the elitist response to COVID was carefully laid out. It was before anyone in the public sphere had even conceived that there was a new "vaccine" technology based on genetic engineering that would soon spring into existence, turning Americans into guinea pigs without so much as an "informed consent" form. Safe and effective, they said. No matter that you would get your shot under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), in lieu of any safety trials. Trust us, they said.

Since Trump signed EO 13887, we need to see what it says. 
The setup, Section 1 (a):

Periodically, new influenza A viruses emerge from animals, including birds and pigs, that can spread efficiently and have sustained transmission among humans. This situation is called an influenza pandemic (pandemic). Unlike seasonal influenza, a pandemic has the potential to spread rapidly around the globe, infect higher numbers of people, and cause high rates of illness and death in populations that lack prior immunity. While it is not possible to predict when or how frequently a pandemic may occur, there have been 4 pandemics in the last 100 years. The most devastating pandemic occurred in 1918–1919 and is estimated to have killed more than 50 million people worldwide, including 675,000 Americans.
