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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

The Three Strands to the 'Swarming of Biden'

•, by Alastair Crooke

The former Indian diplomat MK Bhadrakumar has coined the term "swarming" to describe this process of non-state actors miring the U.S. in the tactical attrition – from the Levant to the Persian Gulf.

"Swarming" has been associated more recently with a radical evolution in modern warfare (most evident in Ukraine), where the use of autonomous swarming drones, continuously communicating with each other via AI, select and direct the attack to targets identified by the swarm.

In the Ukraine, Russia has pursued a patient, calibrated attrition to drive hard-Right ultranationalists from the field of battle (in central and eastern Ukraine), together with their western NATO facilitators.

NATO attempts at deterrence towards Russia (that recently have veered off into "terrorist" attacks inside Russia – i.e. on Belgorod) notably have failed to produce results. Rather, Biden's close embrace of Kiev has left him exposed politically, as U.S. and European zeal for the project implodes. The war has bogged down the U.S., without any electorally acceptable exit – and all can see it. Moscow drew-in Biden to an elaborate attritional web. He should "get out" quick – but the 2024 campaign binds him.

So, Iran has been setting a very similar strategy throughout the Gulf, maybe taking its cue from the Ukraine conflict.

Less than a day after the attack on Tower 22, the military base ambiguously perched on the membrane between Jordan and the illegal U.S. al-Tanaf base in Syria, Biden promised that the U.S. would provide a quick and determined response to the attacks against it in Iraq and Syria (by what he calls "Iran-linked" militia).