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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Community Notes For The Win: VP Kamala Harris' Post Gets Instantly Debunked

•, by Tyler Durden

Elon Musk has called Community Notes "the best source of truth on the internet" and "is by far the best fact-checking system on the internet." 

Community Notes has smoothed out the playing field, as most fact-checking websites have a leftist lean. So when radicals in the White House, such as space cadet Vice President Kamala Harris and or her social media team, post on X, they will be met with the same rigorous fact-checking as conservatives. 

On Saturday, VP Harris wrote, "Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed." 

X user End Wokeness showed that Community Notes debunked VP Harris' post, saying, "As district attorney, Kamala Harris oversaw 1,900 convictions for marijuana offenses, some of which resulted in jail time." 

As of Monday morning, the Community Notes blurb on the post appears to have been deleted. 

"If you didn't already know, the community notes tell you just how much of a gaslighting witch Kamala Harris is," one X user said. 

Another X user said, "This never would have happened prior to @elonmusk buying Twitter."