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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Breakthrough Demo of 3D DNA Industrial Nanorobots Manufacturing

•, by Brian Wang

This has been done and published in the peer reviewed journal Science. Nadrian C. "Ned" Seeman (December 16, 1945 – November 16, 2021) was an American nanotechnologist and crystallographer known for inventing the field of DNA nanotechnology. He contributed enough to this work published in 2023 to be listed as a co-author.

Seeman's laboratory published the synthesis of the first three-dimensional nanoscale object, a cube made of DNA, in 1991. This work won the 1995 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology. The concept of the dissimilar double DNA crossover introduced by Seeman, was important stepping stone towards the development of DNA origami. The goal of demonstrating designed three-dimensional DNA crystals was achieved by Seeman in 2009, nearly thirty years after his original elucidation of the idea.

The concepts of DNA nanotechnology later found further applications in DNA computing, DNA nanorobotics, and self-assembly of nanoelectronics. He shared the Kavli Prize in Nanoscience 2010 with Donald Eigler for their development of unprecedented methods to control matter on the nanoscale.

This work is a major advance to DNA Robots.

The movement of the subcomponents in this DNA robot system is controlled by DNA hybridization on the edges (epitaxial hybridization) and on the faces (folding). The nanorobot itself is a trimer construct of three attached DNA plates functionalized with DNA sticky ends on their edges or faces. The feedstock is a set of DNA functionalized plates. What sticky ends are hybridized depends on temperature. The sticky end hybridization can move the assembled feedstock plates to different geometries to make different constructs.

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