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IPFS News Link • Argentina

Javier Milei: Argentina's First-Ever Libertarian President

• by Javier Perez-Saavedra

Voters in Argentina have elected a libertarian as president for the first time in their history. On Sunday, Argentina had its second round of voting, and Javier Milei received 55.69% of the vote against the Peronist Sergio Massa's 44.31%. In a country that suffers 143% annual inflation and a poverty rate hovering around 43%, Milei has a long and difficult road ahead.

Milei's win marks the first time in 40 years that someone outside Argentina's two largest parties was elected. La Libertad Avanza, Milei's 3-year-old political party, finally broke through the entrenched and archaic political apparatus. In a tweet back in June, Milei stated that Argentina was choosing between the old politics and the new ideas. During his presidential campaign, Milei pledged to tackle Argentina's inflationary unhealthy economy by dollarizing the peso and minimizing government spending.