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IPFS News Link • Argentina

Javier Milei, the Beginning of the End of Socialist World Domination?

•, By Thomas Jacob

Murray Rothbard provided the theory, Javier Milei is it's first political reality, and here comes a proposal for the liberal utopia envisioned by Hayek. We are all set for a libertarian future.

Milei, the Lenin for freedom?

The term "socialism" is used in the following to refer to the institutionalized policy of aggression against property, over which the state has a monopoly. See also Hans Hermann Hoppe, "A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism".

Socialism fundamentally draws from the Communist Manifesto of 1848, in which Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels prophesied a revolution and the dictatorship of the proletariat and ultimately a socialist paradise, albeit in vague terms.

The liberal response to the Communist Manifesto took 125 years to materialize. Murray N. Rothbard delivered the liberating blow in 1973 with the equally radical libertarian manifesto "For a New Liberty". Rothbard describes an anarcho-capitalist private law society without states. What was missing in Rothbard's work was a counter-image to the socialist dreams of the future.

In 1917, Marxism became a political reality with the Russian Revolution. The revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin was followed by numerous socialist icons who embody the spirit of socialism to this day.

In 2023, the Argentines elected Javier Milei as their president. Milei describes himself as an anarcho-capitalist in the spirit of Rothbard. He gives anarcho-capitalism a political reality and catapults the term onto the political world stage.

What are the chances of Milei becoming the Lenin of freedom and what is the role of the libertarian utopia presented below, the so-called OboxPlanet?

The USA illustrates the practical problem of a minimal state.

These introductory remarks can be understood to mean that I am postulating a historical paradigm shift, and this is indeed the case. To make this comprehensible, I will allow myself a brief historical discourse.
