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IPFS News Link • Argentina

Called Out by Milei for His Wife's Alleged Corruption, Spanish Socialist PM Sanchez Keeps...

•, By Paul Serran

Argentine President Javier Milei was cheered in Madrid as he called out Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez for allowing corruption to fester – including by his own wife.

If that was not enough, #PedroVigilaATuEsposa began trending on X to the despair of the Spanish socialist apparatus.

Crowds took to the streets to protest him: 'Pedro Sanchez, son of a b*tch!'

In this context, Socialist PM Sanchez did what leftists do: he victimizes himself with full force.

He already pulled this card earlier in the month when he took 5 days of leave to decide if he should renounce his premiership and mandate – but of course, he did not.

Now, the Spanish government declares that the withdrawal of its ambassador to Buenos Aires – which was initially 'for consultations' – is now "permanent".

Spain demanded an apology after Milei 'insulted' Sanchez's wife, Begona Gomez, during a visit in which he also snubbed usual protocols of meeting the king and prime minister.

Reuters reported:

"Gomez has been the subject of a court investigation into accusations of influence peddling and business corruption by an activist group, though Madrid's prosecuting authority has appealed to drop the case due to lack of evidence.

'The ambassador will permanently stay in Madrid', Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told reporters, using stronger diplomatic parlance than in previous days. 'We have no interest in nor desire for any escalation, but it's the government's obligation to defend the dignity and sovereignty of Spanish institutions, especially when the aggression occurs in the capital of Spain'."
