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IPFS News Link • Drugs and Medications

Americans More Polarized Than Ever Over Ivermectin

• by Jack Phillips

About 26 percent of respondents believe that the drug—long used to treat parasites—can treat the virus, according to the University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg Public Policy Center. That's up from 10 percent who thought the same in September 2021.

The percentage of people who called that statement "false" also rose to 37 percent in November 2023, up from 27 percent in September 2021, the survey found. The overall number of people who aren't sure declined, from 63 percent to 38 percent in the same time period.

Without elaborating, the survey's authors said that the 26 percent "incorrectly" said that ivermectin is effective, while it has pointed to the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) statements saying the agency has not authorized or approved the drug for preventing or treating COVID-19, and it has claimed that data shows it isn't effective against the virus. It has been approved to treat a variety of other illnesses, namely ones caused by parasites, while the World Health Organization (WHO) has regarded it as an essential medicine to treat a number of different ailments.