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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

US Food Insecurity Crisis Erupts: 17 Million Households Starving, Highest In 11 Years

•, by Tyler Durden

But working-class Americans know better than to trust the statical magicians at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and, in a recent poll, do not trust the government's rosy economic news.

The distrust is warranted because not even the United States Department of Agriculture can pretend Bidenomics is working anymore. A new report from the agency shows household food insecurity in 2022 soared to levels not seen since Biden was vice president during the Obama administration. 

USDA found that 87.2% of households were food secure last year. The remaining 12.8% (about 17 million households) were food insecure. This is the highest level of food insecurity in America since 2014. 

"Food-insecure households (those with low and very low food security) had difficulty at some time during the year providing enough food for all their members because of a lack of resources," USDA said. About 5.1% of households (or about 6.8 million) had the most severe level of food security last year. 

USDA said household food insecurity is due to "a lack of money and other resources limits their ability to acquire adequate food." 

We suspect even though the USDA report is a survey from last year. The figures are likely higher in 2023 as persistent inflation crushes low to mid-tier households. Many folks have drained personal savings and racked up insurmountable credit card debt just to make ends meet, such as putting food on the table, paying for gasoline at the pump, and covering shelter costs, whether rent or mortgage expenses. 

Numerous top Wall Street banks (Mike Wilson: The Consumer Is Falling Off A Cliff) have begun to warn about the consumer falling apart in the era of Bidenomics. The latest sign of trouble came last weekend, when we pointed out that subprime auto loan delinquencies erupted to the highest in decades. 

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
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Perhaps Americans as the globalists call people are truly "useless eaters". Too fuking stupid to deserve to live. I have for 10 years tried to get a local food co-op established, and we are in the perfect place to do so, as I am surrounded by Amish Farms. Not a single taker or the slightest interest shown by anyone. Including "Christian" men that are in the food business.. I have for 10 years offered to till up ground for my neighbors to establish gardens.... not a single taker or the slightest interest shown. I have for 10 years warned my neighbors to store food because bad times are coming.... again not the slightest interest shown. Perhaps starving to death is what Americans deserve. Should there not be consequences for your bad decisions?