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IPFS News Link • Executive Power

Executive Orders are NOT Laws

•, By Lex Greene

The U.S. government formed by the U.S. Constitution is a Republic, not a dictatorship. It's not a pure "democracy" either, nor should it ever be.

Executive Orders are limited to directives to Executive Branch employees only, to properly execute the laws passed by Congress, and only so long as the order is itself lawful and constitutional. Executive Branch Orders apply to no one else, period. Unless we accept that we now live in a dictatorship…of course.

For the record, court opinions are NOT laws either, as only Congress is granted the authority to make laws under the Constitution. No other branch has any lawmaking authority whatsoever. In addition, even Congress is limited in authority to create laws which are "in furtherance thereof."

So, literally everything government has done since 1803 that is "repugnant to the Constitution," to include the Bill of Rights, is "null and void." This includes Executive Orders falsely applied to people beyond Executive Branch employees, and all attempts to "create law" from the Judicial Branch, as well as any laws passed by Congress which are at odds with the Constitution.

Because most Americans have not paid attention to what their government has been up to for more than a hundred years, more than 80% of what the federal government does today is "repugnant to the Constitution" and enjoys no force of law behind it at all.

Study this legal reality for yourself and remember it every time your government tries to dictate policy to you through unlawful and unconstitutional acts. As we head into another fake election season, keep this in mind as the government will attempt to create another "emergency" in order to use unlawful and unconstitutional election processes to control the outcome of the elections.

3 Comments in Response to

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

The fact that this even needs to be said illustrates how fuking stupid most all Americans are! Guess what boys and girls? Treaties do not override the Constitution.. Also mere "laws" are not Constitutional amendments - so the 1934 Federal Firearms act and the 1968 gun control act are both illegitimate! Yet your dumb ass county sheriff acts as if they are Constitutional amendments.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

The fact that this even needs to be said illustrates how fuking stupid most all Americans are! Guess what boys and girls? Treaties do not override the Constitution.. Also mere "laws" are not Constitutional amendments - so the 1934 Federal Firearms act and the 1968 gun control act are both illegitimate! Yet your dumb ass county sheriff acts as if they are Constitutional amendments.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

The fact that this even needs to be said illustrates how fuking stupid most all Americans are! Guess what boys and girls? Treaties do not override the Constitution.. Also mere "laws" are not Constitutional amendments - so the 1934 Federal Firearms act and the 1968 gun control act are both illegitimate! Yet your dumb ass county sheriff acts as if they are Constitutional amendments.

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