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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

AI Humanoid Pilot Might be Able To Solve Pilot Shortage

•, by Tyler Durden

Current data shows a staggering 17,000-pilot gap. This shortfall can be attributed to several factors:

Early retirements spurred by the pandemic.

The unyielding retirement age of 65.

A dwindling number of pilots from the military.

The unappealing prospect for civilians to embark on a pilot career. 

Airlines can only train 1,500 to 1,800 pilots a year. The deficit has triggered all sorts of flight disruptions, with the latest from American Airlines. 

However, South Korean researchers from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) developed "Pibot," a life-sized humanoid robot that can fly planes and understand complex flight controls. 

Flight news website Airways Magazine explains more about Pibot's capabilities:

As the world continues to adapt to the growing trend of Artificial Intelligence (AI), South Korean scientists have unveiled a humanoid robot capable of piloting an aircraft.

Named Pibot, the life-sized robot, measuring 160 cm tall and weighing in at 65 kg, is capable of gripping the controls, memorizing aircraft manuals, and even responding to emergency situations. It is fitted with multiple cameras capable of monitoring the aircraft's systems and operational conditions.
