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IPFS News Link • Drugs and Medications

Can You Overdose on Ivermectin? Dr. Pierre Kory's Answer Will Shock You

• by The Vigilant Fox

"Of all the harmful misinformation spread over the past couple of years, one of the most disturbing false narratives was targeted at the Nobel-Prize-winning, human medicine ivermectin," expressed filmmaker Mikki Willis in his ground-breaking documentary titled, Ivermectin: The Truth.

Ivermectin is "one of the safest and most effective medicines of this era. A medicine that, according to the numerous top scientists I've interviewed … could have ended the pandemic before it began."

But Ivermectin is "horse dewormer," the media said. "It could put you in a coma." "It can kill you," pundits warned.

But is this actually true?

Popular podcaster Greg Hunter, AKA USA Watchdog, asked Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the world's leading experts on Ivermectin, straight-up, "Can I OD (overdose) on Ivermectin if I get two or three times the [standard] dose. Can I kill myself?"

Dr. Kory's answer blew Greg Hunter's mind.

"Let me answer scientifically. So there is a world-famous toxicologist named Jacques Descotes, and he's French. And two years ago, he was commissioned to do a scoping review of the entire data on the safety of Ivermectin in its history. And his conclusion after doing this comprehensive review is that he does not believe that there has been one single case of anyone dying from an Ivermectin overdose."

"Oh, Lord," reacted Greg Hunter. "How many pills have been given worldwide? I heard 4 billion, but it must be more than that."

"Over 4 billion," Dr. Kory confirmed. "Now, people have died where the deaths were reported as caused by Ivermectin. But when he [Prof. Jacques Descotes] reviewed those cases, he didn't think those arguments [were] credible."

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Here's a thought. Years ago Dr. Hulda Clark (deceased) determined that cancer was caused by extremely tiny parasites. These parasites are so tiny that she had to invent/improve a microscope that can see far smaller than the standard, everyday medical microscope. Now, isn't is strange that Ivermectin and Fenbendazole, which are parasite drugs for animals, cure/control cancer? And Ivermectin cures/controls covid. Since we all know that the medical standard for curing cancer and covid don't work, maybe Dr. Clark was right - since it is parasite medicine that is working successfully. Also, why don't we hear anything about the Microsphere Nanoscope? This is a microscope that can view living tissue, etc., in color, that only an electron microscope could view previously - dead, and in grayscale. What is the medical really hiding from us?
