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Technocrat Says Digital 'World ID' Will Soon Be Mandatory to Take Part in Society

•, Leo Hohmann

Alex Blania, the 29-year old CEO of 'Tools for Humanity', was asked about privacy concerns about his company's eye scanning program and he answered, "So my high-level response is that something like World ID will eventually exist, meaning that you will need to verify [that you are human] on the internet, whether you like it or not. I think that's certainly going to happen with the progress in AI. It's probably going to happen in the next couple of years."

I've been saying for nearly three years now that the beast system is based on the world's people accepting two technological components offered up by the Luciferian globalist elites: A globally recognized digital ID to replace the cards in your wallet and a globally recognized digital money to replace the cash in your wallet. The two together will comprise the foundation of the punitive global beast system.

From an article in Slay News, we learned today that the CEO of an outfit called Worldcoin has warned that a global digital ID system will be ushered in for citizens around the world whether they "like it or not."

Worldcoin has developed a system that it pitches as "the world's largest identity and financial public network."

The company has created a database that links central bank digital currencies in the form of digital tokens (the eventual replacement for cash), with a digital identity system.

The company has created its own form of digital money called the Worldcoin token (WLD).