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Rage Against the Pride Machine:


Too Much Gay for Just 30 Days

For those of you patriots who aren't familiar with me, I am a former New York City liberal. I say this for two reasons: 1) it gives me an insight many don't have, which I will soon discuss; and, 2) I deserve to be mocked incessantly for my folly. Please fire away in the comments, it keeps me humble.

Though I now lean right, I still DO NOT CARE how others live their lives. If a man wants to wear a dress, have at it. Gay marriage? I don't care.

My point is, I am as LGBT-friendly a person as you will find.

That said, can we stop gavaging "gay" down everyone's throat?

We do not care what you LGBT types do when the lights are off, and that was the goal, right?

The gay movement went from "Stay out of our bedrooms," which I found a reasonable request, to "If you straight guys won't boink a trans dudette, you're a bigot" to "Let us chop off your 15-year-old son's penis or you'll be arrested, you domestic terrorist." Then you screech at us for "hating" you if we don't deliver our kids to the "Zygote-friendly Drag Night" where they can watch attention-starved yet talent-free men in dresses shake their waxed asses and then beg for dollar bills.

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