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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Google Search Chief: AI Chatbots Can Give 'Convincing But Completely Fictitious' Answers


The chatbot may be more powerful than we ever imagined. Google found that, in theory, the search engine would hire the bot as an entry-level coder if it interviewed at the company.

Amazon employees who tested ChatGPT said it does a "very good job" of answering customer support questions, is "great" at making training documents, and is "very strong" at answering queries around corporate strategy.

However, users of ChatGPT also found that the bot can generate misinformation, incorrectly answer coding problems, and produce errors in basic math.

While a 2013 University of Oxford study found that 47% of US jobs could be eliminated by AI over the next 20 years, that prediction appears to have been off-base.

Anu Madgavkar, a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute, said that's because human judgement still needs to be applied to these technologies to avoid error and bias, she told Insider.

"We have to think about these things as productivity enhancing tools, as opposed to complete replacements," Madgavkar said.