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IPFS News Link • Health and Physical Fitness

What's the science behind taking magnesium for headaches?

•, By Lou Mudge

Magnesium is a vital nutrient that plays a part in more than 300 of the body's processes, but did you know that you can take magnesium for headaches? Due to the role magnesium plays in muscle contraction and relaxation, it can be effective for reducing tension headaches and migraines – these ailments can also become worse if you don't have enough magnesium in your body. 

Magnesium is also a part of our stress response system, so a reduced magnesium load in our bones (where we store magnesium once it's in the body) can mean that we are less equipped to deal with stress, which can result in headaches. 

If you're looking for information about magnesium supplements and how they may help to keep headaches in check, read on. It is also worth ensuring that you're consuming enough dietary magnesium, so we've put together a list of the best magnesium rich foods to make it easier for you to get enough of this essential mineral. 

Headaches can be indicative of several underlying health conditions, so if you experience regular headaches or chronic head pain, it's worth going to get checked out by your medical provider. 

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